Profiles in Persecution: Salman Ali Saleh

Salman Ali Saleh was 24 years old when Bahraini authorities arrested him in November 2015. Salman was tortured after he was arrested for alleged possession of explosive materials and collaboration with a terrorist cell. He was also accused of cooperating with wanted persons abroad, though his passport had expired four years prior to his arrest.[…]

Petition urging the Bahraini Government to Stop Executing Dissidents

#ThereIsNoUsandThem Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, in cooperation with the International Peace Bureau, has created a petition on the death penalty in Bahrain. The petition aims to urge the Bahraini King, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, to commute or pardon the death sentences of the twelve individuals who are at imminent risk[…]

Rhetoric over action: Bharani-Danish human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and Danish double standards

Over nine years ago, renowned human rights defender Abdulhadi al-Khawaja was violently dragged from his home in Bahrain, tortured by security services and initially tried as a civilian in a military court. He was sentenced to life in prison under broad legislation on trumped-up charges including ‘participating in terrorism to overthrow the government’. It is[…]

Kuwait, the Bidoon and Government Critics: How the Kuwaiti Authority Continues to Practice Torture to Suppress Minorities and Opposition Voices

Stateless individuals, human rights defenders and government critics are routinely subjected to torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment within the country of Kuwait. This is despite Kuwait being party to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (CAT) which stipulates prohibitions on such actions and strictly requires state parties to implement effective legislative, administrative, judicial[…]

Profile in Persecution: Mahmood Saeed Ahmed Isa Abdulla

Mahmood Saeed Abdullah was an 18 years old freshman in college when he was arrested from his house in Nabih Saleh, Bahrain on 3 November 2015. Mahmood was one of 115 Bahraini citizens convicted by the Bahraini Fourth High Criminal Court on 15 May 2018, for alleged involvement in a terrorist cell, called the “Zulfiqar Brigades”.[…]