UPDATED: President Trump Vetos Resolution to Halt US Support to Saudi-led Coalition Despite Bipartisan Congressional Support

**Update 17 April 2019 – Today, US President Donald Trump vetoed the resolution from Congress to halt US support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. The resolution passed both the House of Representatives (247-175) and the Senate (54-46) with bipartisan support. 15 March 2019 – On Wednesday, 13 March 2019, the United States (US) Senate[…]

INTERPOL Deletion Request Program

Background: Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) first started its INTERPOL program in May 2016, and has worked on a handful of cases, including multiple successful requests for deletion as well as certificates for multiple individuals who believed that they may have been subjected to a Red Notice. INTERPOL (the International Criminal[…]

UAE-sponsored display at HRC40 cannot compensate for ongoing human rights abuses

During the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sponsored an exhibit speaking out against child sexual abuse and online harassment and purporting to highlight the role of interfaith dialogue in defending victims. While this exhibit attempts to demonstrate steps the UAE has taken to address[…]

Updated: Bahrain and the Death Penalty

***Updated: On 27 July 2019, the Government of Bahrain executed 25-year-old Ali AlArab and 24-year-old Ahmed AlMalali. Both individuals had been convicted and sentenced to death in a mass trial marred by allegations of torture and due process violations alongside 58 other individuals on 31 January 2018. A third individual from Bangladesh was also executed.[…]

Six Months of Bahraini Membership on the Human Rights Council: Human Rights Abuses Continue

12 April 2019 – Today marks six months since Bahrain won a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in a blank-slate election despite “flagrant, widespread, and systematic human rights abuses.” Since joining the HRC in October of 2018, Bahrain has continued to perpetrate human rights abuses against its people. These include suspending[…]