Analysis of the Fifth Annual Report of the Bahraini National Institution for Human Rights

Introduction and Summary Click here for the full analysis. On 28 March 2018, Bahrain’s National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR; also referred to as the B-NIHR and BNIHR) submitted its 2017 annual report “on the Progress Achieved in the Human Rights Situation” to the king. It is the NIHR’s fifth annual report since its establishment[…]

Yemen Three Years Later

Three years after Ali Abdullah Saleh transferred power to Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, the civil war in Yemen shows no sign of abating, with Houthi militias and the Hadi government locked in combat. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and its coalition continue to jockey with Iran for influence, only intensifying the violence. With no end in sight, the death toll in[…]

Bahrain denies Danish MP and Human Rights Activist Entry to Celebrate Abdulhadi al-Khawaja’s 57th Birthday

On 3 April, Danish MP Lars Aslan Rasmussen and the Director of the Human Rights Defender program for Human Rights First (HRF) and advisor at Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR), Brian Dooley, attempted to visit Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, a prominent jailed Bahraini human rights activist, to celebrate al-Khawaja’s 57th birthday on 5 April. The pair[…]

Bahrain’s Highest Military Court to Render Verdict in Civilian Case on 25 April

Bahrain’s highest military court has again adjourned the appeal of seven men – one soldier and six civilians – convicted for the alleged “formation of a terrorist cell and committing several terrorist crimes” after an unfair trial marred by reports of torture, enforced disappearance and other due process violations. The Military Court of Cassation announced[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Hani and Hussain Marhoon

Hani Marhoon is the father of Hussain Marhoon, both of whom were arbitrarily arrested by Bahraini authorities in the span of four years. Hussain was just 16 years old at the time of his arrest, which came four years after his father’s detention. Both father and son were tortured during interrogation and continue to face[…]