Profiles in Persecution: Jaafar Mohamed Shughul

Jaafar is a 24-year-old University of Bahrain student currently held in Jau Prison on charges of burning tires, insulting a former Member of Parliament, and kidnapping. He was sentenced to a total of 19 years in prison. Jaafar was sentenced in absentia for the charges of burning tires and insulting a former MP because he[…]

The Saudi Government Continues its Clampdown on Rights Activists and Dissidents

5 July 2018 – In May 2018, the Saudi government arrested nearly a dozen women’s rights activists for their work promoting women’s rights, only weeks before it lifted the ban on women driving. However, the campaign against women’s rights activists has not concluded, with officials arresting prominent women’s rights activist Hatoon al-Fassi on 27 June.[…]

4 Years Later, Waleed Abu al-Khair Remains Imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for his Human Rights Work

Four years ago, on 6 July 2014, the Specialized Criminal Court sentenced human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abu al-Khair to 15 years in prison, a 15-year travel ban, and a fine of 200,000 Saudi riyals (approximately USD 53,000). He was sentenced on spurious terrorism charges stemming from his free expression and association, human rights[…]

The Fight for Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia Must Go On

The lifting of Saudi Arabia’s infamous driving ban last week leaves much to be celebrated throughout the kingdom, but the Saudi government still leaves a considerable amount to be desired where women’s rights are concerned. The Saudi government’s minimal step in promoting gender equality is an undeniable accomplishment for women’s rights activists, but only serves[…]

Qatar Accuses the UAE of Discriminatory Blockade at the International Court of Justice

On 27 June 2018, Qatar took the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – the United Nations’ highest court – for its role in the blockade against Qatar which has extended for over a year. Qatar cited that the blockade was a form of discrimination against Qatari citizens, and the[…]