ADHRB and NGOs Send Letter to UN High Commissioner on Conditions in Bahrain’s Isa Town Prison for Women

18 October 2018 – Today, Americans for Human Rights & Democracy in Bahrain (ADHRB) in cooperation with the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), CIVICUS, European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR), Front Line Defenders, Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR), Index on Censorship, and the International[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Ahmed Abdulla AlAjaimi

Ahmed Abdulla AlAjaimi is a 21-year old from Karranah, Bahrain. Before his arrest and detention, he was a first year student at Ahlia University. In 2017, he was arbitrarily arrested, disappeared and tortured at the Ministry of Interior (MoI)’s Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID). He is currently in Jau Prison. Authorities have repeatedly arrested Ahmed in[…]

US Senator Rand Paul Introduces Joint Resolution Disapproving Arms Sales to Bahrain

On 10 October 2018, United States Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a joint resolution (S.J.Res.65) to the United States Senate disapproving of arms sales to Bahrain. The resolution was read twice, then referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The measure comes shortly after Senator Paul’s push for a US response to the disappearance[…]

UPDATED: Bahrain’s High Court of Appeals Expected to Issue Ruling on Public Prosecution’s Appeal of Sheikh Ali Salman Verdict on 4 November

**Update 15 October 2018 – Today, the High Court of Appeals announced they are scheduled to issue a ruling on the Public Prosecution’s appeal of Sheikh Ali Salman’s ‘not guilty’ verdict on 4 November 2018. If the verdict is upheld, Sheikh Ali Salman is expected to be released in December 2018.  **Update 26 September 2018[…]

ADHRB Unequivocally Condemns Bahrain’s Unopposed Election to the UN Human Rights Council

Today, 12 October 2018, United Nations (UN) member states voted to allow Bahrain a seat on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). Bahrain ran unopposed, effectively guaranteeing it membership despite an atrocious record of systematic human rights violations, including consistent acts of reprisal against activists for engaging with the HRC itself.  Americans for Democracy &[…]