The Irresponsibility of US Arm Sales to Saudi Arabia

On 7 February 2017, the Trump administration announced that it would approve the sale of a $300 million precision-guided missile technology package to Saudi Arabia despite ongoing concerns about the kingdom’s involvement in the conflict in Yemen and civilian casualties. The escalating conflict in Yemen has produced a death toll of over 10,000 citizens with[…]

Rights groups call for UAE gov to release HRD Ahmed Mansoor

20 April 2017 – A group of 88 human rights organizations – including the Gulf Center for Human Rights, Article 19, Index on Censorship, and ADHRB – signed a petition calling on the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to immediately release prominent human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor. The UAE government arrested Mansoor on 20[…]

16 NGOs demand release of imprisoned photojournalist Sayed al-Mousawi

Today, sixteen NGOs sent a letter to King Hamad of Bahrain regarding the upcoming appeal hearing for photojournalist Sayed Ahmed Salman al-Mousawi. Bahraini authorities arrested and tortured al-Mousawi three years ago under terrorism charges, and a court sentenced him to ten years in jail after years of arbitrary detention and mistreatment. His April 23 appeal[…]

Bahraini government on verge of dissolving Wa’ad political society

On 17 April 2017, a Bahraini court held its second hearing to dissolve the National Democratic Action Society, the country’s largest secular, leftist opposition society. The government accused the society, also known as Wa’ad, of undermining state security and supporting terrorism. The justice ministry’s case against Wa’ad is representative of the government’s ongoing suppression of[…]

Bahrain: US must ensure military patrol boat transfer does not facilitate abuse

19 April 2017 – The United States Government has disclosed that Bahrain will receive five American-made Mark V military patrol boats by 1 August 2017. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is deeply concerned by the recent increase in unrestricted US weapons transfers to Bahrain, and we urge the US Government to[…]