One Week Until Trial of Salim al-Aradi and the al-Darats in the UAE

Next Monday, on 15 February, Salim al-Aradi is due to appear before an Emirati court along with three other Libyan nationals, including the Libyan-Americans Kamal and Mohammed al-Darat. After months of delay, the Emirati government finally disclosed the prosecution file on al-Aradi and the other defendants, which accuses them of providing support to the Libyan[…]

Bahrain and Russia favor “people’s right to decide their own fate”

In a high-level meeting between Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Bahrain’s King Hamad al-Khalifa, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that in regards to the conflicts in the Middle East, both countries “assert the people’s right to decide their own destiny.” During the meeting, both heads of state discussed the ongoing situation in Syria, and[…]

Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Pro-Democracy Movement

Five years ago this week, hundreds of thousands of people rose up in support of democracy and human rights in Bahrain. After enduring decades of structural inequalities, corruption, and repression, nearly half the country’s citizen population gathered to demand reform. The government responded swiftly, and severely. Riot police flooded the streets, employing excessive and indiscriminate[…]