Spotlight on Kuwait: Workers’ Rights in Economic Slump

In Kuwait last week, thousands of Kuwaiti oil and gas industry workers launched a three-day strike in protest over cuts to their wages and benefits. The protest marked a clear sign of how low-waged workers, such as nationals employed in the oil fields as well as other migrant workers employed in the construction and service[…]

Combative Tweet Offers Look into How Saudis View Domestic Laborers

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia was atwitter with arguments over where the country should source its domestic workers. The sensitive subject matter was brought up via a national discussion around another controversial issue- the right for women to drive in the Kingdom- and has large implications on the future of human trafficking in the nation.[…]

A Summary of the UN Committee Against Torture’s Review of Saudi Arabia

“Prisons may deprive liberty, but they should never deprive human rights.” – Mr. Abdelwahab Hani, Committee Against Torture (Review of Saudi Arabia, 57th Session of the Committee Against Torture) Upon completion of Saudi Arabia’s review before the UN Committee Against Torture on Monday 25 April, ADHRB expresses concern over the ongoing and systematic practices of[…]

Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith Reappears in UAE Court after Eight Months of Enforced Disappearance

After nearly eight months of enforced disappearance, the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken prominent Emirati economist and political activist Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith before the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi. On 18 August 2015, Emirati officials arrested Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith from his work place[…]

GCC states claim “witchcraft” and “sorcery” is all around

The Royal Oman Police arrested two African nationals this week and charged them with crimes of practicing “sorcery.” Officers raided the house of the accused after they offered to heal an Omani citizen. Omani officials referred the two defendants to the Public Prosecution. The arrest of foreign nationals for sorcery in Oman is not an[…]