UAE and Bahrain Agree to Memorandums of Understanding with India

Recently, India has been taking steps to curb human trafficking both internally and externally. It has agreed to sign Memorandums of Understanding (MoU’s) with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE); India has also enacted a similar MoU with Bangladesh. These MoU’s represent formal cooperation on preventing and combating human trafficking. Prime Minister of India[…]

Sheikh Nimr and freedom of expression: speaking truth to power

Last week, the international community commemorated World Press Freedom Day on 3 May by celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom. This day is meant to affirm the need for independent media and to raise awareness for journalists targeted simply for doing their job: exercising the right to free expression. While he was not a[…]

ADHRB Counters Government’s ‘Completion of BICI’

The Government of Bahrain held a ceremony on 9 May to mark the “completion of the implementation of the 26 recommendations” put forth by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) in 2011. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is concerned that this celebration represents a disingenuous attempt to obfuscate grave ongoing[…]

Know Your Rights: Bahrain and Self-Determination

Self-determination? Self-determination is the ability of peoples to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.[1] In this way, the principle of self-determination affirms peoples’ dignity and worth as human beings. Because of this, the United Nations (UN) has recognized this principle as a universal fundamental human right.[2] The[…]

Kuwait Contemplates Controversial Proposal

Kuwait may soon undertake new steps to change its population ratio, which is comprised mostly of migrant workers. Currently, Kuwaitis make up just over 30% of the country’s current population. The new law would force migrant workers to leave the country if fired by their employers. Supporters of the proposal claim that unemployed expatriate workers[…]