UAE Needs to Reform Its Limits on Free Expression

On 14 May, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called for Emirati authorities to release Nasser bin Ghaith and drop all charges against him. Emirati authorities accused Bin Ghaith of insulting Egypt and violating UAE’s cybercrime and counterterrorism laws.  HRW states that after his arrest in August 2015, Emirati forces subjected Bin Ghaith to torture during his[…]

Sheikh Nimr and the Eastern Provinces’ struggle for citizenship equality

“From the day I was born and to this day, I’ve never felt safe or secure in this country,” declared Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in a 2011 speech. A prominent political activist from the Eastern Province, Sheikh Nimr spoke on behalf of Saudi Arabia’s disenfranchised population. The Eastern Province is primarily home to the Kingdom’s minority[…]

Marriage contracts now granted to brides in Saudi Arabia

In May 2015, the Government of Saudi Arabia announced it would now grant women the right to obtain copies of their marriage contracts. Previously, Saudi officials only guaranteed marriage contracts to the grooms. Saudi Justice Minister Walid al-Samaani issued a statement saying the new initiative will “ensure [the bride’s] awareness of her rights and the[…]

Bahraini Government’s Claims of Having Implemented all BICI Recommendations is Mere Lip Service

On 9 May 2016, Bahrain celebrated the culmination of the work of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), announcing that the implementation of all recommendations had been completed. The King awarded Professor Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni a Bahrain Medal of the First Class, and state media reported that Bassiouni said the government of Bahrain had[…]

Amidst Concerns for Migrants, Qatari Construction Continues

Construction on the largest stadium being built for Qatar’s 2022 World Cup is due to begin this year. British architectural firm Foster and Partners designed the stadium, which will hold 80,000 people. Five World Cup stadiums are currently under construction. The situation of migrant laborers who work on these stadiums has recently garnered more media[…]