Human Rights Defender Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman at Risk of Arrest in Bahrain

The Bahraini authorities have summoned human rights defender and scholar Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman to be present at the General Directorate of Criminal Investigations (CID) for interrogation on Sunday, 14 August 2016. Authorities did not declare the reasons for which Al-Salman is going to be interrogated. We strongly condemn the targeting and prosecution of Al-Salman and other[…]

US State Department releases 2015 International Religious Freedom Report

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes the US State Department’s recent release of the 2015 International Religious Freedom Report. The report, conducted annually, outlines the status of religious freedoms in countries around the world and documents government policies that violate the beliefs and practices of various religious groups. The 2015 International[…]

Oman Arresting Journalists in Affront to Free Press

In an attempt to stifle freedom of speech, Omani authorities have recently arrested three journalists from Azamn daily newspaper in connection to an article that was published on 26 July 2016. Officials believe the article criticized the country’s judiciary, and used this as the basis for the journalists’ arrests. On 9 August 2016, Oman’s Ministry[…]

Bahraini Officials Use Free Market Economy to Justify Lack of Minimum Wage

Two weeks ago, Bahrain’s Labor Affairs under-secretary of the Labour and Social Development Ministry, Mohammed Al Ansari, stated that the Gulf country is not considering a minimum wage for domestic workers or anyone working in the private sector. In 2011, Bahrain implemented a BHD 300 minimum wage for employees in the public sector. While the Bahraini[…]

Bahrain Escalates Arrests of Protesters at Duraz Sit-in, Continues to Criminalize and Threaten Freedom of Assembly

In the past week, the authorities have escalated their targeting of protesters in Duraz. The number of individuals summoned and arrested over the past week has substantially increased. We strongly condemn the Government of Bahrain’s violation of the protesters’ right to peaceful assembly and we raise concerns over the safety of the remaining protesters at[…]