44 national orgs send letter to US Senators on upcoming Saudi arms deal

September 8, 2016 Dear Senator, The undersigned organizations are writing on behalf of the millions of Americans we collectively represent, to urge you to reject the planned $1.15 billion foreign military sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moving forward with this sale at this time is not in the security interest of the United[…]

ADHRB submits written statement on Saudi Arabia to the Human Rights Council

On the occasion of the 33nd session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB in conjunction with partner organizations submitted a written statement to the Council regarding the ongoing and widespread human rights violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Please continue reading for the full text, or click here to read a PDF of the statement,[…]

ADHRB submits written statement on Bahrain to the Human Rights Council

On the occasion of the 33nd session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB in conjunction with partner organizations submitted a written statement to the Council regarding the ongoing, and recently intensified, suppression of civil society in Bahrain. Please continue reading for the full text, or click here to read a PDF of the statement, and click[…]

Ali al-Nimr: A Childhood Denied

In 2014, a Saudi Arabian court ordered the execution of Ali al-Nimr. Despite wide-spread criticism, including from the UN, the kingdom claims it only executes the “most serious criminals.” Ali was a minor—17-years-old—when authorities arrested him in 2012 for participating in a non-violent demonstration. They kept him in pretrial detention for two years, tortured him[…]

Ahmed Mansoor targeted by UAE government hacking

Last month, the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was once again exposed for launching cyber-attacks against its citizens. A prominent human rights activist, Ahmed Mansoor, has been recently targeted by an invasive spyware hack that would have turned his cellphone into a monitoring device. On 10 and 11 August 2016, Mansoor, a Martin[…]