June Champions for Justice: The Prisoners of Jau

Jau Prison is the largest male detention facility in Bahrain and is used to detain many prisoners of conscience. Conditions at the prison are characterized by inadequate healthcare facilities, unsanitary cells and toilets, and extreme overcrowding: recent estimates place Jau’s current population at more than double its capacity. Prisoners protested these conditions by peacefully, staging[…]

UN-CAT Questions Detention of Nabeel Rajab

On 2 June 2015, the Committee against Torture, the UN body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention against Torture, requested that the Government of Bahrain investigate possible acts of reprisal against human rights defender Nabeel Rajab. Rajab, who was arrested by the Government of Bahrain in October 2014 and again in April 2015[…]

Mapping the Saudi State Chapter 3: The MOI (Part 2)

*Best viewed in full-screen mode. In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 3: The Ministry of Interior (Part 2), ADHRB continues its study of the Saudi ministry tasked with maintaining internal security and enforcing criminal law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB focuses on how the ministry has systematically persecuted human rights[…]

NGOs Urge EU to Call on Saudi Arabia to Release Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr

29 May 2015 – Washington, D.C. – 11 human rights and multi-faith organizations sent a letter to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, urging the European Union (EU) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) to call on the government of Saudi Arabia to cancel the death[…]

Newsletter #105

UK Foreign Office Refuses to Release Bahrain Cable A legal battle between an activist group and Britain over a decades-old diplomatic cable on Bahrain has exposed a thorny link between the UK’s colonial past and its new military ambitions in a region it once dominated. The Foreign Office has told a court in London that[…]