Five police officers Acquitted of Torture Despite Credible Evidence

On 2 September 2015, Judge Mohammed Bin Ali al-Khalifa, head judge of the Bahraini High Criminal Court, acquitted 5 police officers who had been temporarily suspended for beating a man during his arrest. The man in question was being arrested on suspicion of drug possession, but was beaten by the police officers in order to[…]

Fundamentally Flawed: Bahrain’s Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission

2 September 2015 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) today published a report on the Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission (PDRC) in Bahrain. The PDRC is a UK trained body as part of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) assistance programme to[…]

Newsletter #119

Urgent Appeal: Release Prisoner of Conscience Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace as Hunger Strike Reaches 160th Day On 21 March 2015, Dr. al-Singace went on hunger strike in protest of the collective punishment and acts of torture that police inflicted upon prisoners following a riot in Jau Prison earlier that month. Last Thursday, he passed 160 days of[…]

Urgent Appeal: Release Prisoner of Conscience Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace as Hunger Strike Reaches 160th Day

Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace is a prisoner of conscience and a member of the Bahrain 13, a group of activists arrested by the Bahraini government for their role in peaceful protests in 2011. Dr. al-Singace is a blogger, academic, and former Head of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bahrain. Dr. al-Singace is currently serving a[…]

Newsletter #118

NGOs Condemn Arrest of Former al-Wefaq MP Sheikh Hasan Isa The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) express concern over the recent arrest of Sheikh Hasan Isa, a prominent member of the opposition political group al-Wefaq National[…]