On International Women’s Day, Bahrain Must Commit to Full Implementation of the CEDAW

International Women’s Day marks a time to reflect on both the progress made, as well as the steps that remain necessary to ensure gender equality around the world. This year’s International Women’s Day theme – equality for women is progress for all – highlights that society remains inherently flawed when women are treated differently than[…]

ADHRB Contests Bahraini Foreign Minister’s Statement to UNHRC

Geneva, Switzerland – 6 March 2014 – Today, Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa addressed the 25th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) to defend the kingdom’s human rights record.  Sheikh Khalid characterized Bahrain as having made steady progress on implementing the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry[…]

Hassan Mushaima: March’s Champion for Justice

Hassan Mushaima is a Bahraini political activist, teacher and Secretary General of the al-Haq Movement. Mushaima has previously been targeted by the Bahraini government, and his most recent arrest and subsequent life sentence was for his involvement in the peaceful Bahrain protest movement in 2011. Mushaima entered politics during the 1994 Bahrain uprising, and in[…]

NGOs Send Joint Letter to FIA Calling for Suspension of 2014 Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix

WASHINGTON, DC – 28 February 2014 – On 14 January 2014, a group of NGOs sent a joint letter to the Mr. Jean Todt, President of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), regarding the human rights situation in Bahrain. The letter urged Mr. Todt to suspend the 2014 Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix until an inquiry[…]

2013 United States Department of State Report Confirms Human Rights Crisis in Bahrain

This week, the U.S. State Department (State) released its annual country reports on human rights practices, and its section on Bahrain confirms the extent of the human rights crisis that has been occurring in the country.  The opening few paragraphs read like a manual for repressive regimes on how to successfully undermine the most basic[…]