Actions in Support of December’s Champion for Justice: Nabeel Rajab


Nabeel Rajab FBDuring the month of December, ADHRB is asking all defenders of human rights to take part in highlighting Chamtion for Justice Nabeel Rajab  him using the hashtag #BahrainPrisoner on Twitter and changing their Facebook profile picture to the picture on the right.

Want to do more? Use our template to write a letter to your Member of Congress expressing your concern about Nabeel Rajab. You can also use the following template to send a thank you letter to Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), who called for the early release of Nabeel. Congressman McGovern adopted Nabeel Rajab through the Defending Freedoms Project at the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. Please use the following websites to find the contact information for your Representative and Senator.

Click here to read more about Nabeel Rajab.

Click here to learn more about the Champions for Justice Campaign.
